Traditional way of thinking
New way of thinking =
Christianity's conclusive message
Christianity's conclusive message
The Labour Party increases in stature to these three cultures respectively, of Duty, Art & Science and Business acumen transformed into the British Constitution Party.
The Labour Party has a similar identity crisis, which is firmly anchored in the image of the female component. When it can consummate itself to the male component it will increase its stature proportionally to implement business acumen of the Arts & Sciences to mobilise its social heart to raise the cultural and fiscal expenditure to sustain its greatest legacy of social mobility, the NHS and increase the stature of the UK to that of the EU and the USA.
Traditional Labour
New way of thinking =
Labour rebranded as the
British Constitution Party
Labour rebranded as the
British Constitution Party
My 44yrs of preparation is to propagate ‘Christianity’s conclusive message. This simply means giving to Christianity 95% greater appeal in this manner. Religion and the life of the Lord Jesus Christ in today’s terms offers say about 5% appeal to society, this can be increased to 100% appeal by adding 95% more via Christianity’s conclusive message with this thinking.
The life of the Lord Jesus Christ is to atone for our evolutionary development, (as prescribed by Charles Darwin) in which God the Creator looks upon this evolutionary development as SIN ITSELF. In other words Christ’s life circumvents our humanity for all time and atones this evolutionary process. This differs from the historic teaching of the Church which views humanities fallen nature as a consequence of OUR DISOBEDIENCE. Christ’s life is to illustrate God’s responsibility demonstrated via Christ to show COMPASSION.
Having taken responsibility as above, via Christ to essentially wring fence our evolutionary development, God the Creator doubles his effort so to speak by ‘downloading’ Art & Science to empower our humanity with the ‘GIFT OF COMPREHENSION TO SERVICE THE CALL TO DUTY’ to be proficient Custodians, to enable humanity to overcome all the demands of life in real time. This becomes Christianity’s conclusive message.
This conclusive message has its ‘square root’ in the Eden of Genesis in which the chief message alluded to IS THIS GIFT OF COMPREHENSION TO EMPOWER ADAM TO BE A PROFICIENT CUSTODIAN WHICH CREATES GOD’S CHOSEN PLACE OF ABODE; in effect to create;-
A business model based upon jobs
In these 44yrs of preparation, this is the conclusive purpose of the life of Tom Darwood in which he is also the figure which God has chosen to symbolise the biblical Adam in a Trinitarian Identity superintended as a 21st century Joseph 77.
The symbolic Act of Duty which the Almighty decrees to endorse these ‘findings’ calls upon the ‘Constitutional Conclusion to the Hereditary Monarchy’ to define Her Majesty the Queen’s Supreme Act of Duty, which I have termed ;-
The Glorification of the Reign of Elizabeth II
leading to
A Glorious Revolution II
The life of the Lord Jesus Christ is to atone for our evolutionary development, (as prescribed by Charles Darwin) in which God the Creator looks upon this evolutionary development as SIN ITSELF. In other words Christ’s life circumvents our humanity for all time and atones this evolutionary process. This differs from the historic teaching of the Church which views humanities fallen nature as a consequence of OUR DISOBEDIENCE. Christ’s life is to illustrate God’s responsibility demonstrated via Christ to show COMPASSION.
Having taken responsibility as above, via Christ to essentially wring fence our evolutionary development, God the Creator doubles his effort so to speak by ‘downloading’ Art & Science to empower our humanity with the ‘GIFT OF COMPREHENSION TO SERVICE THE CALL TO DUTY’ to be proficient Custodians, to enable humanity to overcome all the demands of life in real time. This becomes Christianity’s conclusive message.
This conclusive message has its ‘square root’ in the Eden of Genesis in which the chief message alluded to IS THIS GIFT OF COMPREHENSION TO EMPOWER ADAM TO BE A PROFICIENT CUSTODIAN WHICH CREATES GOD’S CHOSEN PLACE OF ABODE; in effect to create;-
A business model based upon jobs
In these 44yrs of preparation, this is the conclusive purpose of the life of Tom Darwood in which he is also the figure which God has chosen to symbolise the biblical Adam in a Trinitarian Identity superintended as a 21st century Joseph 77.
The symbolic Act of Duty which the Almighty decrees to endorse these ‘findings’ calls upon the ‘Constitutional Conclusion to the Hereditary Monarchy’ to define Her Majesty the Queen’s Supreme Act of Duty, which I have termed ;-
The Glorification of the Reign of Elizabeth II
leading to
A Glorious Revolution II